In politics, there's plenty of friction as is. But the problem with politics is that when the government takes a downfall, everyone blames the current leader. In situations, it's good to have a leader who will manage the funds of the country for the good of the people, and to distribute troops when protection is at top priority. But when time for election comes, things get dirty. In order to beat their opponents, candidates often dig into the background of others, pointing out the many past flaws. Past problems shouldn't matter, but when it comes to the stake of their position in the government, people aren't afraid to get dirty. Politics unleash the worst in people. Especially with beliefs, those who become head of government make their opinions top priority. For example, those with hatred against gay marriage may outlaw this type of marriage. Forcing beliefs down the public throat isn't part of the government as a Democracy. I'm personally not involved enough in politics to form a firm belief against who I'd vote for and where I stand as far as concerning Republican or Democratic, but in personal morals and beliefs, I stand in with saying that the leader shouldn't be allowed to force belief or hatred down the public throats, nor do I believe the leaders should be persecuted for something they don't mean to do. When leaders wish to be in charge of the people, they usually have the intentions of doing good for their people. Past flaws, firm beliefs, even dirty methods, are parts of politics that I don't believe are justifiable. A true leader wouldn't need to do any of that to prove their point. A true leader would be able to lead their country with the faith of all of the people- not faith from the underlying filth and past.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such great detail. I love your blog design, very creative. I know I can always count on you to really answer the prompt! Keep up the great work!